Why journaling?

Please tell us about your XR experiences as often as possible


As a movement we are made up of people, like you and me, trying to organise as best we can. But unless we hear regularly from rebels on how this is going, we can't map our landscape let alone effectively chart a course.

The journaling project is a new way to capture the many voices that make up XR. Our research partner Cynefin Centre will be helping the XR team of analysts to make sense of this data so we can report back to you what we've learned (short feedback loops).

At the end of the buddy programme we will offer a workshop to review the journaling project and sense-make together.

This was produced by our research partner based on the findings from the buddy pilot programme: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tT7OkEPh_0dVs6x4RrG1Z2lK9pt6he3G/view?usp=sharing


Please bookmark this link and let us know about your XR experiences: https://collector.sensemaker-suite.com/?projectID=XRBuddyJournal&language=en#Collector

If you are interested in research let us know and come get involved. Here is Dave Snowden talking about this tool and how we can use it:

Last updated